Monday, April 12, 2010

New things

In just a few short days, Jazlyn will be 11 months old. It is so amazing how fast time flies. She is just a month shy of being 1 YEAR OLD! My baby is growing up and is changing very quickly. Since my last post, Jazlyn is now crawling EVERYWHERE. She follows us everywhere we go. She is also getting into a lot more. Anything that is in her reach, she gets into it. Who needs toys when you have books, remotes, get into and play with? She also pulls herself up and gets a little too confident at times. She thinks she can let go and she will remain standing. She's like 'look at me' and then she goes down. Her falls aren't always so pleasant. She has shed a few tears. Although she stands up at the coffee table, she hasn't yet taken any steps to start walking around it. If she wants to get something at the other end she gets down and crawls and pulls herself back up. It won't be long...

Alex and I saw an advertisement on TV for My Baby Can Read. After several discussions, we finally decided to purchase it. Well so far, we have seen good results. It comes with different levels of DVDs, flash cards and books. Right now at the first level she watches a video one to two times a day and is learning such words as arms up, arms down, wave, clap, nose, mouth, eyes, toes, baby, tiger, elephant, gorilla. She doesn't speak these words yet by any means, but if you say arms up, she raises her arms up. If you say clap she claps. If you ask her where her nose is, she kind of points to her nose, but most of the time it's her mouth. She does kind of say baby, but it's a whisper. She is supposed to watch this DVD for a month. It's about a 30 minute video and she usually loses interest after about 15 minutes, but it just repeats the words over and over anyways. They just put it in different colors, fonts, use pictures, etc. just to reiterate the words. We will see.

Jazlyn has also learned Patty Cake. She claps and then she rolls her little hands. It is too cute. She usually wants to jump to the roll 'em up before we actually get to that part. Jazlyn enjoyed her first Easter. She found a pink egg in the front yard and picked it up and then took it straight to her mouth. She looked so cute in her little Easter dress thanks to Alex's cousins from New York who sent it to us when she was born. Thank goodness it was a bigger size and she could wear it.

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