Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. Not a whole lot happening. Just sitting back and waiting. Only 9 more days to go. No real signs yet that Baby Zehr will come early. I've experienced some Braxton Hicks contractions, but none that are consistent or frequent. I still deal with my swollen ankles and slow moving waddle. Alex and I went to the doctor Monday for the last time as a regular visit. We will go again next Wednesday for our pre-surgery visit. My blood pressure still remains normal. My protein levels are good. The baby's heart rate is 132 bpm. I have now gained a total of 19 lbs since the beginning of the pregnancy. I do have to say it is all baby right in front. Baby is moving around like crazy. I am experiencing the cool feeling when the baby has the hiccups. Sleeping is getting less and less. My bag is packed for the hospital just in case I go into labor before next Friday. We finally have our names narrowed down...that was tough. Alex and I are very excited for the arrival of Baby Zehr. I do have to admit that I am pretty calm and relaxed now, but come next Wednesday I think it will all become real and I will probably become very nervous. I will have lots of help though.
So the big question is.....who will Baby Zehr look like? Will it have blonde fuzz for hair like it's daddy or red curly hair like it's mommy? I am sharing both Alex and I's baby pictures below. We'll have to compare all of the traits very soon.
I'm sure that Baby Zehr will be a beautiful mixture of his/her mommy & daddy!!! We just can't wait to meet this little piece of Heaven next week!!
Happy Anniversary!!!