Friday, October 16, 2009

Weight update at 5 months

I took Jazlyn to the doctor today for a weight check. Since she had only gained one pound from her 2 month check-up to her 4 month check-up, her doctor wanted me to add another feeding during the day and come back a month later and get her weight checked. The combination of the extra feeding and the improvement of my milk supply, thanks to a presription the doctor gave me, helped to improve her weight...I could definitely tell she had gained. I was quite surprised yet very pleased to find out she now weighs 10 lbs 4 oz. I wasn't expecting that much. She continues to be a very healthy baby. She's fighting a little congestion now but with the help of mucinex it's getting better. She's 5 months old and changing like crazy. She is so good and so easy to take care of. I can't complain so far.

Monday, October 12, 2009

3 Month Professional Pictures

Updated Snapshots

What we woke up to one morning

Crazy Hair!!

Pacifier too far away so she resorted to her arm to put her to sleep

Taking a nap next to sissy with her security blanket

Enjoying her bumbo seat

I want to play!

This game is boring!

Watching a movie with sissy wishing she could have some popcorn too

Hey I want some!