Wednesday, March 18, 2009

8 weeks to go....lots of movement

We had another doctor's visit this week. All measurements were good. No further changes with the cervix and the growth measurements on the baby are right on. The baby weighs 3.9 lbs and the heartrate was at 128 bpm. The baby is moving around like crazy...I don't think it is just kicks...there is some rolling over or around going on in my belly. I am still really achy in my lower ab area. When you don't have much room the baby just hangs out in one area and it just happens to be down low for me. If I don't have to walk I am much better off....I move really slow when I do walk and of course I have the waddle going on. Don't get me wrong, but sitting isn't all that comfortable either. My tailbone starts to hurt after awhile. If I could lay down all the time, I would probably be okay. :) The good thing is I have only gained 9.5 lbs with this pregnancy. I can't imagine how I would be if I had a lot more extra weight on me. I met with my cardiologist last week and he said everything seems to be okay from a heart standpoint with the pregnancy. He has no concerns. I would have to agree with him as I haven't really experienced any problems as far as the heart is concerned. I have 8 weeks to go. Just taken it week by week now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

10 weeks to go

Though 10 weeks seems like a long time yet, I am just praying that I make it that far. I went to the doctor this week for my normal 7 month check-up of listening to the heartbeat, answering questions, etc. I had told my doctor about the lower pains that I have been having, so they decided to go ahead and do an ultrasound to measure my cervix again. They thought I might be having preterm contractions, so they wanted to make sure my cervix was remaining closed. My cervix had been measuring over 4 cm until this week when it dropped down to 3.5 cm. They also hooked me up to a monitor to see if I had any contractions, but I didn't while I was in there. The doctor then measured by cervix himself and said it was long and a lttle thin and that the head was down lower than what he would expect at this time. He said there was no concern for bedrest right now, but I will continue to go every 2 weeks to have my cervix measureed and growth measurements on the baby. So for now I just have to take it easy and call if I experience any problems. We are talking to the baby and telling it to hold off for another two months. :) Since I got an ultrasound I got to see the baby again. That's always comforting. We were able to get one good picture of the baby actually looking at us. My stomach also feels like it is bulging out more and more nowadays. It's going to be a long 10 weeks I am afraid.

Nursery pictures coming soon.......

Our precious baby...finally a frontal view although it looks plastered to the wall

Belly shot at 29 weeks