Last Wednesday, a few of my close friends from work threw me a baby shower. One of my co-workers even made a homemade cake for the occasion. There were several people that participated. We got a lot of awesome things for the baby. Alex even came back to his old stomping grounds for the occasion. I think it was good for him to see those he used to work with and vice versa. All of these people meant a lot to Alex and I especially 2 1/2 years ago when we had some difficult times in our lives with my first pregnancy, the loss and then my open heart surgery. Between this shower and my shower with our families and close friends, Alex and I are pretty set on the arrival of this baby. There are just a few more items that we need to get yet.
My husband decided to pamper me Valentine's weekend. He started off by telling me to pack a bag for the weekend and that I was not coming home until after church on Sunday. I was not allowed to ask any questions. We had plans for lunch on Friday and the big surprises started after that. He arranged for me to have a half day of vacation and then treated me to a pedicure, manicure, facial and a prenatal massage. Once he joined me later that evening, we had dinner and spent some time together at the casino in French Lick. He's so amazing. It was just such good timing as I have been really stressed with the work situation and experiencing a lot of lower back pain with the pregnancy. I needed this relaxation time. On Saturday I had my baby shower with family and close friends. My family then joined us for dinner in French Lick and a tour of the West Baden Hotel. Alex, Breanna and I crashed in early. Just when I thought all surprises were over, I arrived home to another surprise Sunday after church. I thought my family was coming over for pizza and after lunch the girls were all going to go to Home Depot to pick out paint for the nursery and the guys were going to stay back and watch the IU game. Well, those weren't exactly the plans as my nursery had already been painted and decorated by my family. While Alex and I were away for the weekend, he made arrangements for my dad to paint the nursery on Friday evening. Then, when my family left us in French Lick Saturday evening they came back to our house and decorated my entire nursery with everything I got from the shower earlier that day. They had everything taken out of boxes and put together. I was soooooooo surprised. Thanks to the wonderful husband I have and the great families we have, this will be one weekend i will never forget.
I am now 25 weeks and 3 days. Things are progressing very well. We had my 6 month check-up on Monday and the doctor said things look good. Just for precautionary reasons, I will now be going to the doctor every two weeks basically for measurement purposes. They want to measure my cervix to make sure that it is holding up and also the growth of the baby. I am basically one month ahead of the normal schedule. I typically wouldn't start going every other week until I reached month 7. We now have the C-Section date set. I will be having the baby on Friday morning May 15th...of course unless I go into labor sooner. I am looking forward to my baby shower coming up this next weekend. I am also having another shower at work on the 18th. After my showers are over then we will begin getting the nursery ready for the baby's arrival.